24520 Production Circle #4 Bonita Springs FL, 34135

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What is Hormone
Replacement Therapy

Due to many factors of aging and being exposed to environmental issues in the world today, we lose efficacy in many of our organs, glands and systems in our body. (HRT) treatment can help ease symptoms as a result. Some examples of symptoms are fatigue, low sex drive, mood changes, irritability, sleep habits, etc. For many healthy adults, replacing these levels of hormones in the body through HRT provides relief and, in many cases, can reverse them as well as assisting in optimizing health and longevity.
couple flexing their muscles - hormone therapy

Testosterone Replacement
Therapy or TRT

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) corrects testosterone deficiencies that happen with natural aging or certain health conditions. These deficiencies affect both men and women. Starting therapeutic therapy can reduce the symptoms of low testosterone. TRT is safe and effective at treating various symptoms such as:
Happy active senior running on road on city street

Bio-Identical Testosterone
Replacement Therapy

There is overwhelming scientific evidence showing that Bio-Identical Testosterone Replacement therapy protects against several diseases and conditions. These include diabetes, depression, obesity, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic diseases, cell senescence, heart disease among many more.

Call Bonita Rejuvenation today to get started feeling great again!

Feel better. Look better. Act better. LIVE better.

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